Too Many Cooks Spoil the Melting Pot

Evolution of a show by 6 writers at the Second City's Training Center in Chicago

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

A collaborative process

We're still in the relatively early stages of preparing the show. So far, Mary has blocked 6 sketches, which means all of the writers have had an opportunity to see our work up on its feet. Still to go: 4 more sketches, 2 songs, and any blackouts that make the cut. So there's a great deal of work to be done before we're ready to open.

It's been a kick to see the staging evolve and how much the director and actors bring to the process--how they flesh out the characters and the worlds we've created.

--J.P. Stephenson

Worship at the Church of Comedy?

"Those massive arms--that's a good look in a man."

Someone needs a brewski.

You say libido, I say libido.



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